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Google's most recent AI Academy focuses on US public infrastructure

Google has launched a new 12-week program called "AI Academy: American Infrastructure" that will provide training, resources, and support to startups using AI to solve challenges across various public infrastructure sectors like agriculture, energy, transportation, and urban development.

Ellie Ramirez-Camara profile image
by Ellie Ramirez-Camara
Google's most recent AI Academy focuses on US public infrastructure
Photo by Jay Heike / Unsplash

Google recently launched "AI Academy: American Infrastructure", a three-month program aimed at supporting startups looking to accelerate the application of AI to solve challenges in public infrastructure and services. The program includes a curriculum developed and delivered by Google’s People + AI Research (PAIR) team, which involves hands-on training from AI experts. Additionally, startups will have access to advanced sales skills and go-to-market strategies training, industry connections, and Google's AI tools, which includes the Google Cloud Innovators Plus program.

Applicants to the equity-free program must be startups building with AI or leveraging AI in their operations to tackle problems across sectors like agriculture, energy, education, public safety, healthcare, telecommunications, transportation, and urban development. Moreover, the startups must have a technical and a US-based co-founder, at least six months of runway, and must be post-revenue or able to demonstrate traction.

The deadline for applications is June 17. The program is mostly virtual but includes an in-person even that will give the founders opportunities to connect.

Ellie Ramirez-Camara profile image
by Ellie Ramirez-Camara

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