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AI-based applications developed using synthetic data can analyze the details of how people move

In response to strong demand for using fitness apps to exercise and track one's development and performance, Tel Aviv-based Datagen is providing "high-performance synthetic data with a focus on data for human-centered computer vision applications." The company announced a new domain, Smart Fitness. This visual synthetic

Dmitry Spodarets profile image
by Dmitry Spodarets
AI-based applications developed using synthetic data can analyze the details of how people move

In response to strong demand for using fitness apps to exercise and track one's development and performance, Tel Aviv-based Datagen is providing "high-performance synthetic data with a focus on data for human-centered computer vision applications."

The company announced a new domain, Smart Fitness. This visual synthetic data platform helps AI developers produce the data needed to analyze people exercising and train smart fitness equipment to be able to "see."

Smart Fitness provides 3D-annotated synthetic visual data in the form of videos and images. They accurately depict the fitness environment, advanced movements, and human interaction with objects for tasks related to key body point assessment, posture analysis, pose analysis, repetition counting, and object identification. The Smart Fitness platform also optimizes the ability to capture millions of significant visual exercise data, eliminating the repetitive burden of capturing each element personally.

New datasets with more diverse data regarding environmental conditions, clothing variety, strong articulations and other influencing factors are being developed.


Dmitry Spodarets profile image
by Dmitry Spodarets

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