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DeepCure raised $24 million in Series A-1 funding

DeepCure recently secured $24 million in a Series A-1 funding round led by IAG Capital Partners and backed by its existing investors. DeepCure seeks to leverage its Molecular Foundry to shorten the times for the drug development cycle without sacrificing novelty and diversity.

Ellie Ramirez-Camara profile image
by Ellie Ramirez-Camara
DeepCure raised $24 million in Series A-1 funding
The DeepCure immunology and inflammation small-molecule targets pipeline | Credit: DeepCure

The funding round was led by IAG Capital Partners and backed by DeepCure's existing investors. DeepCure's AI and physics-driven engine aids in the development of small-molecule drug candidates for immunology and inflammation therapies. To face one of the main challenges, the lack of appropriate data about small molecule targets of interest, DeepCure's technology generates hypotheses from scratch, only considering information about the approximate binding region that gives rise to the desired phenotype. The company's proprietary PocketExpander helps identify the relevant binding modes. Then, this data is fed to DeepCure's molecular generation tool, MolGen™ to assist with designing novel compounds that satisfy the target candidate profile while also being highly synthesizable. In addition to its binding and hypothesis generation models, DeepCure has also built several state-of-the-art predictive models that can predict important pharmacological properties of molecules. The company's goal is to leverage its Molecular Foundry to shorten the times for the drug development cycle without sacrificing novelty and diversity by combining robotic automation software, robotic synthesis, and assay automation in a fully integrated platform. DeepCure will use the raised funds to expand its cutting-edge technology and accelerate its pipeline toward clinical trials.

Ellie Ramirez-Camara profile image
by Ellie Ramirez-Camara

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