In a move aimed at promoting transparency in political advertisements, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel has proposed that AI-generated content should not be banned from political ads, but that there be a requirement that AI-generated content be disclosed in radio and television political ads. If approved, the rules would require broadcasters of candidates or issue advertisements to disclose the usage of AI-generated content through on-air and written notices.

Chairwoman Rosenworcel's proposal also requests comments on what constitutes AI-generated content and suggests that the requirements should be applied to cable operators, satellite TV, and radio providers. An important aim of the proposal is to balance out the recognition that the role of AI in creating political ads will not stop with the technology's potential for misuse. By ensuring that consumers have access to clear and straightforward information about AI-generated content usage, the FFC expects to protect the public from false, misleading, or deceptive content and promote an informed electorate. The proposal's adoption would initiate a public comment period before finalizing the rules.