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Learn Machine Learning Engineering on a free course

Join DataTalks.Club course to get started with machine learning engineering.

Valeriia Kuka profile image
by Valeriia Kuka
Learn Machine Learning Engineering on a free course

DataTalks.Club starts a new cohort of the ML Zoomcamp this September!

It's a free online course that teaches you the basics for becoming an ML engineer in four months.

Course covers

  • Linear Regression
  • Classification
  • Decision Trees and Ensemble Learning
  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  • Python and Jupyter Notebooks
  • NumPy and Pandas
  • Matplotlib and Seaborn
  • TensorFlow and Keras
  • Flask, Pipenv, and Docker
  • AWS Lambda and TensorFlow Lite
  • Kubernetes and TensorFlow Serving

Have questions about the course?

You can read the article about the course or join a live Q&A session with Alexey Grigorev, creator of the ML Zoomcamp, to make an informed decision about this program.

A live Q&A session with Alexey Grigorev, creator of the ML Zoomcamp

We already have 3,000+ people who registered for this course! Join them to learn together.

Valeriia Kuka profile image
by Valeriia Kuka

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