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Ok, Thanks bets on generative AI to help ops teams remediate issues introduced an innovative feature to help operations teams solve problems faster. The new tool leverages the power of generative AI to automate the process of identifying, diagnosing, and resolving problems, thereby streamlining operations and improving overall system performance.

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by Maryna Marchuk bets on generative AI to help ops teams remediate issues, a cloud observability platform, has recently announced its latest offering aimed at helping operations teams remediate issues faster. The company is now utilizing generative AI to automate the process of identifying, diagnosing, and even fixing issues.

The new feature, called "Smart Remediation," is built on top of the platform's existing machine learning algorithms, and uses them to predict the best possible fix for a given issue. The system then deploys the fix automatically, without the need for human intervention.

This approach aims to save valuable time for operations teams, as they can focus on more pressing tasks instead of manually identifying and fixing issues. It also helps prevent human error, which can occur during the process of identifying and resolving problems.

According to Asaf Yigal, co-founder and VP of Product at, Smart Remediation has already delivered impressive results for early adopters. "We've seen significant reductions in mean time to resolution (MTTR) and the number of issues that require manual intervention," he said.

A recent report by MarketsandMarkets shows that the global data annotation and labeling market is poised to explode and is expected to grow from $1.0 billion in 2020 to $3.6 billion by 2027. More about this in our previous news.

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by Maryna Marchuk

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