Midjourney, the image generation platform, has launched a new image editor on the Midjourney web-based generator. The new editor combines several key features into a unified, user-friendly interface, allowing users to edit their Midjourney-generated images. More precisely, Midjourney's Web Editor integrates the Remix, Vary Region, Pan, and Zoom functionalities, allowing users to make precise adjustments to their creations.

Key features include:

  1. Erase and Restore tools for selective image modification, and Undo/Redo buttons for easy experimentation,
  2. A brush tool available on a range of sizes for detailed editing,
  3. A slider that lets users easily modify the size of their canvas, leaving the image untouched for an effect similar to the Zoom Out feature,
  4. Easy to adjust aspect ratio options that have the same effect as the Custom Zoom capability,
  5. Prompt editing for fine-tuning generation parameters (similar to the Remix function)
  6. Image repositioning for creative composition, and
  7. Small bars that allow fine-grained control of the directions in which the image is expanded or cropped, having the same effect as the Pan function.

Users can access the Editor by clicking on a generated image and selecting the "Editor" button. The intuitive interface enables simultaneous use of multiple tools, offering more control over the AI generation and edition process.