OpenAI is committed to strengthening its enterprise solutions, which makes sense after the company revealed that ChatGPT's nearly 600,000 users include 93% of all Fortune 500 firms. We know this because Multi has announced it has been acquired by OpenAI mere days after the news of the Rockset acquisition emerged. Moreover, the platform plans to sunset its services by July 24, 2024, likely because reportedly nearly the entire Multi team will join OpenAI as part of the deal. Multi's CEO and co-founder Alexander Embiricos took the announcement as an opportunity to thank its users and let them know that the team would be available to support offboarding and suggest alternatives to Multi's services.

The question remains on how OpenAI will incorporate Multi's functionalities into their offerings. Perhaps OpenAI was swayed by Anthropic's introduction of Artifacts, the company's first step towards transforming Claude's web and app experience into a collaborative, dynamic workspace where users can ask Claude to generate media, code, or text and then refine and build on those generations.