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OpenAI launched new enhancements for data analysis in ChatGPT

OpenAI recently announced several new data analysis features in GPT-4o: direct uploads from Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive, interactive charts in a new expandable view, and downloadable custom charts. They will be available for Plus, Team, and Enterprise users starting May 16.

Ellie Ramirez-Camara profile image
by Ellie Ramirez-Camara
OpenAI launched new enhancements for data analysis in ChatGPT
Credit: OpenAI

Starting May 16, ChatGPT Plus, Team, and Enterprise users will be able to profit from the recently announced data analysis improvements in GPT-4o, including the possibility of uploading files directly from Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive, interactive charts in a new expandable view, and downloadable custom charts for documents and presentations. Users only need to upload one or more data files to get started. Once you share data files, ChatGPT will analyze them by writing and running Python code for you to perform tasks including dataset merging and cleanup, chart creation, and insight discovery. By doing this ChatGPT can ease the data analysis process for beginners, and optimize the workflows of expert analysts by taking care of these routine, repetitive tasks.

The most noticeable of the announced improvements is the introduction of interactive tables and graphs. Once ChatGPT is given a dataset, it will create an interactive table that updates in real-time as ChatGPT performs its analysis. Users can then click on specific areas to ask follow-up questions or leverage ChatGPT's suggested prompts to obtain a deeper analysis. Similarly, when prompted to graph data from a file, ChatGPT can provide bar, line, pie, and scatter plot charts that allow users to hover over the chart's elements to ask questions or pick different colors. For unsupported graph types, ChatGPT will provide a traditional static graph.

Ellie Ramirez-Camara profile image
by Ellie Ramirez-Camara

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