Squirro acquired Synaptica to integrate graph technology into its generative AI platform

Squirro, an enterprise-ready generative AI specialist based in Switzerland, has aquired Synaptica, an US-based provider of enterprise taxonomy management and knowledge graph systems. As a result of this acquisition, Squirro will integrate Synaptica's semantic graph technology into its platform to enhance the accuracy and capabilities of its AI-driven business solutions.

The acquisition addresses a critical gap in Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) technology. While RAG has become popular for natural language processing in enterprises, it often falls short in ensuring complete and accurate information for mission-critical applications. By integrating Synaptica's semantic graph technology, Squirro aims to ground generative AI processes in transparent, human-editable knowledge models; leverage Synaptica's process-driven taxonomies and ontologies to guide RAG-based decision making; provide a unified source of truth that delivers consistent high-quality metadata to multiple repositories; and enrich existing knowledge graphs by enabling inference of new knowledge based on semantic associations and entity similarities.

As a result of the acquisition, Synaptica co-founder David Clarke will join Squirro’s leadership team as Executive Vice President, Semantic Graph Technology. Squirro's CEO, Dorian Selz, emphasized the importance of recognizing that RAG may be insufficient or inaccurate when dealing with mission-critical enterprise applications. By combining generative AI with enterprise knowledge graphs to deliver more robust solutions, Squirro looks to establish itself at the forefront of AI-driven knowledge management and business process automation, offering enterprises more powerful tools to leverage their data assets effectively.