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Amazon launched a video generator for its Amazon Ads service

Amazon introduced a generative AI feature for Amazon Ads that creates product videos and animated images from single product photos, with aims to help sellers produce engaging content more easily.

Ellie Ramirez-Camara profile image
by Ellie Ramirez-Camara
Amazon launched a video generator for its Amazon Ads service
Credit: Amazon

Amazon recently shared a post about the launch of a new generative AI feature for Amazon Ads at Accelerate, the company's annual selling partner conference. The Amazon Ads video-generating feature takes one image as input. It creates a selection of videos appropriate to the product's features and selling context, helping sellers bring compelling stories about their products to life. Amazon also updated its Ads image generator with a new capability called 'Live image' that lets it create short animations based on sellers' product pictures.

According to Amazon, the company planned its video generator feature after reviewing advertiser feedback and industry data confirming that, while most customers want to see more videos, businesses do not always have the time and resources to make them. These new generative AI features are available for a small group of US-based advertisers as a beta test. Once Amazon has gathered enough feedback and has had the opportunity to fine-tune the technology, it will announce a wider rollout.

Ellie Ramirez-Camara profile image
by Ellie Ramirez-Camara

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