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AI Asserting on Different Topics at Oxford Union Debate

The experiment was created to start a discussion about the ethics of the AI technology. The AI said that the only way to stop such thing becoming too authoritative is not to have AI at all. The Megatron LLB Transformer was created by the Applied Deep Research team at a

Dmitry Spodarets profile image
by Dmitry Spodarets
AI Asserting on Different Topics at Oxford Union Debate

The experiment was created to start a discussion about the ethics of the AI technology.

The AI said that the only way to stop such thing becoming too authoritative is not to have AI at all.

The Megatron LLB Transformer was created by the Applied Deep Research team at a computer chip firm Nvidia and based on earlier work by Google. The project itself was developed by post-graduate students studying Artificial Intelligence for Business at Oxford's Said Business School.

Additionally, AI went on to argue that humans were not "smart enough" to make AI ethical or moral. Further, we will have the opportunity to see everything about a person, everywhere they go, and it will used in ways that we cannot even imagine.

Dmitry Spodarets profile image
by Dmitry Spodarets

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