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Google updated NotebookLM and expanded access to over 200 countries

Google has upgraded its AI research and writing assistant NotebookLM with the latest Gemini 1.5 Pro language model, added features like Slides and web URL support, and expanded NotebookLM's availability to over 200 countries.

Ellie Ramirez-Camara profile image
by Ellie Ramirez-Camara
Google updated NotebookLM and expanded access to over 200 countries
Credit: Google

Google has upgraded its AI-powered note-taking assistant, NotebookLM, with the multimodel Gemini 1.5 Pro as the underlying model as it expands Notebook LM's availability to over 200 countries and territories worldwide. This upgrade includes features such as support for Google Slides and web URLs as source inputs, inline citations linking directly to the content referenced from the source material for easy and quick fact-checking, and the Notebook guide feature, which helps users attain a high-level understanding of the source material by converting it into formats such as FAQs, Briefing Docs or Study Guides.

Because it is now powered by the multimodal Gemini 1.5 Pro, NotebookLM now supports users' questions about images, charts, and diagrams in the source material. As with text-based information sources, NotebookLM can provide citations to images as supporting evidence when necessary.

Early adopters from best-selling authors to local community organizers are finding creative uses for NotebookLM. Best-selling author Walter Isaacson is leveraging NotebookLM as he researches Marie Curie's journals in preparation for his next book. Documentary and podcast researchers can analyze complex archives using NotebookLM to optimize script and story idea generation processes. In the 14,000-member NotebookLM Discord community, diverse and unexpected use cases have arisen with novelists and fan-fiction writers leveraging NotebookLM to keep track of complex storylines, and role-playing game enthusiasts keeping a log of detailed descriptions of fantasy worlds for games like Dungeons and Dragons with NotebookLM.

Ellie Ramirez-Camara profile image
by Ellie Ramirez-Camara

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