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Langchain announces Series A and the general availability of LangSmith

Langchain recently announced its successful $25 million Series A round led by Sequoia Capital. Langchain also announced the general availability launch of LangSmith, its platform supporting LLM application prototyping, beta testing, and production.

Ellie Ramirez-Camara profile image
by Ellie Ramirez-Camara
Langchain announces Series A and the general availability of LangSmith
Image credit: Langchain

LangSmith was first released as a closed beta in July 2023. Now, after considering the feedback from early users and making investments to accommodate its growing user base, Langchain announced the general availability of LangSmith, the removal of the waitlist, and the possibility to begin using LangSmith immediately by signing up. LangSmith is a tool that supports LLM application prototyping, beta testing, and production, regardless of whether the applications are built using Langchain.

In the prototyping stage, LangSmith tracing can provide clear debugging information that helps developers quickly identify issues and their causes. It also enables the creation of datasets that can be used as test cases and scorable evaluations. Moreover, the Comparison View allows developers to keep track of the results of different configurations. When beta testing, LangSmith can assist in collecting feedback and adding run examples to datasets for further testing. During production, LangSmith offers several tools for Monitoring and A/B Testing. Plans for the future include support for regression testing, the ability to run online evaluators on a sample of production data, better filtering, and conversation support.

Langchain's recent $25 million Series A funding round led by Sequoia Capital will likely support these plans. Moreover, Langchain is looking to grow its team and has published an open role list.

Ellie Ramirez-Camara profile image
by Ellie Ramirez-Camara

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