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Stable Artisan brings media generation to Discord

Stability AI launched Stable Artisan, a chatbot hosted in the Stable Diffusion Discord Server that leverages Stability AI's models to generate images and video from reference and to perform AI-powered editing on generated and reference pictures.

Ellie Ramirez-Camara profile image
by Ellie Ramirez-Camara
Stable Artisan brings media generation to Discord
A screenshot of the Stable Artisan chatbot in the Stable Diffusion Discord server.

Stability AI recently announced the launch of Stable Artisan a chatbot for media generation currently hosted on the Stable Diffusion Discord Server. The Stable Artisan chatbot expands access to the Developer Platform API capabilities, bringing them to a wider audience with varied technical expertise. The chatbot enables users to generate images and video clips from a reference image using Stable Diffusion 3, Stable Video, and Stable Image Core. Additionally, Stable Artisan incorporates some AI-powered editing features, including Search and Replace, Remove Background, Creative Upscale, Outpaint, Control Sketch, and Control Structure. The latter two are particularly helpful for brainstorming and iterating on reference images since Control Sketch allows the transformation of hand-drawn sketches to high-quality pictures, or the fine-grained manipulation of the lines and edges of non-sketch images; and Control Structure generates images retaining the structure of a reference image, making it ideal for scenario creation and character rendering.

Stable Artisan generations are priced using the same credit system as the Developer Platform API. Stability AI has published a brief guide to getting started with Stable Artisan here.

Ellie Ramirez-Camara profile image
by Ellie Ramirez-Camara

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