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2023 MAD Landscape Reveals Generative AI as the Next Big Thing in Data and AI Ecosystem

The MAD Landscape 2023 report on the data and AI ecosystem, which highlights the latest trends and market movements.

Maryna Marchuk profile image
by Maryna Marchuk
2023 MAD Landscape Reveals Generative AI as the Next Big Thing in Data and AI Ecosystem

The 2023 MAD (Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence & Data) Landscape has just been published, revealing the latest trends and market movements in the data and AI ecosystem. The report highlights Generative AI as the most significant development in the space, with exponential acceleration in the past few months that has arguably formed a new mini-bubble.

The report notes that the rise of data, ML, and AI is one of the most fundamental trends of our generation, with an impact that goes well beyond the purely technical. It affects society, politics, geopolitics, and ethics, making it a complex, technical, and rapidly evolving field that is often confusing even for practitioners in the space.

The annual MAD landscape aims to make sense of this complex space, and the 2023 report is the ninth in the series. The report is organized into four parts: The Landscape, Market Trends, Data Infrastructure Trends, and ML/AI Trends.

Part I of the report, The Landscape, presents an interactive version that includes a jungle of acronyms, technologies, products, and companies in the space. Part II of the report covers Market Trends, including Financings, M&A, and IPOs. Part III of the report examines Trends in Data Infrastructure. The report notes that data infrastructure is critical to enable the processing, storage, and analysis of data. Part IV of the report presents Trends in ML/AI.

The 2023 MAD Landscape report provides a comprehensive overview of the data and AI ecosystem, highlighting the latest trends and market movements. Generative AI is the next big thing in the space, and it will have a significant impact on society, politics, geopolitics, and ethics.

Meanwhile, Capsule, an AI video editor, has already received $4.75 million in funding for its unique technology that can summarize text, generate images, and create video segments for different types of content.

Maryna Marchuk profile image
by Maryna Marchuk

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