During the pilot webinar — "The A-Z of Data: Introduction to MLOps" — we will explore what MLOps is, MLOps principles and best practices, major tools for MLOps implementation, and several architecture implementations. We will start with a basic ML lifecycle and move forward to best practices of building complicated, fully automated MLOps pipelines.

Dmitry Spodarets — founder and chief editor of Data Phoenix, head of R&D and ML competency at VITech; active participant of the Open Data Science community.

Participation is free, but pre-registration is required.

"The A-Z of Data" — A series of webinars from Data Phoenix Events designed to help data scientists, data engineers, machine learning engineers and all interested in data to expand the horizons of their data expertise. The webinars will be divided into subject blocks and every block will consist of an overview webinar, several technical events about best tools / practices / approaches / model architectures, as well as a webinar with practical use cases and a discussion panel with experts. In 2021, we plan to cover: MLOps, NLP, CV, and Time-Series Forecasting.

Subscribe to us on Telegram and follow the news so as not to miss the next webinars.